1. Purpose

The purpose of the Otago & Southland Chinese Association is to serve the interests of Chinese people in Otago and Southland.  This includes  organising and participating in events that develop friendships and promote good will with the Chinese community and the wider community in Otago, New Zealand and overseas.
Officially the objectives of the Association are
  1. To provide for Chinese residents in the Provincial Districts of Otago and Southland the means of mutual help in welfare to relieve poverty, education including cultural matters
  2. To establish Chinese language schools and to promote the advancement and maintenance of Chinese language and culture
  3. To represent the Otago and Southland Chinese Community in its interaction with the New Zealand Government and the New Zealand public at large
  4. To represent the Otago and Southland Chinese Community in its interaction with other Chinese communities in New Zealand and overseas
  5. To apply any income, capital, benefit or advantage for charitable purposes within New Zealand
  6. To be and to remain non-political and to have no allegiance to any religious body or belief
2. History

Established October 1935
The Association initially concentrated on fundraising for the motherland during the Sino-Japanese War.  Subsequently it’s focus turned to cultural and sporting activities.
In 1974 the Association purchased its first Clubrooms on Prosser Street in Burnside, Green Island.  In 1980 it registered as an Incorporated Society.  The present Clubrooms situated on King Edward Street, in South Dunedin were purchased in 1993.
Throughout it’s history the Association’s underlying objectives has been caring for the general welfare and needs of local Chinese, and promoting the cultural heritage.
This entry (slightly modified) was published in the Cyclopedia of Otago and Southland (150th Anniversary - 1998)
3. Membership Application
Click here to apply for or renew OSCA membership. Please remember to enter your family members included in your membership if applicable.
4. Benefits of OSCA Membership
Memberships for 2016 are due on 31 March, 2016. We encourage every member of the Chinese Community, your family and friends to join the Otago & Southland Chinese Association.

Benefits you will get from being a member are:

Chinese New Year picnic

Chinese New Year dinner

August Moon dinner

Identity certification service

Translation service (at a discounted rate)


Use of the club rooms

NZCA Annual Easter Sports Tournament

Annual South Island Chinese Miniball & Basketball Tournament

Triple Threat Tournament

NZCA Academic Awards

NZCA Guangdong Youth Winter Camp

NZCA Youth Leadership Camp

NZCA Leadership Development Conference (LDC)

OSCA August Camp

Organized trips

Lion Dance Team

Sponsorship of Division 2 or 3 Mens basketball team

Sponsorship of Mixed Social basketball team

Basketball practices

Sponsorship and support of local community events

Support of national events

Mid winter dinner.

Orientation BBQ

Participation in the University of Otago Clubs and Societies Day

Sponsorship of Cantonese Classes and Chinese Dance Classes at the Dunedin Chinese School

Sponsorship of book launches

Sponsorship of seminars and discussions

Sponsorship of over 70's member "Yum Char"


Facebook page and group

To ensure that you remain on our mailing list and continue to receive our newsletters and information on community events we encourage you to enter your details on the subscription form and return it to us with your payment. In order to facilitate our communication with you, particularly on upcoming events we ask that you include your email address.