Benefits you will get from being a member are:
Chinese New Year picnic
Chinese New Year dinner
August Moon dinner
Identity certification service
Translation service (at a discounted rate)
Use of the club rooms
NZCA Annual Easter Sports Tournament
Annual South Island Chinese Miniball & Basketball Tournament
Triple Threat Tournament
NZCA Academic Awards
NZCA Guangdong Youth Winter Camp
NZCA Youth Leadership Camp
NZCA Leadership Development Conference (LDC)
OSCA August Camp
Organized trips
Lion Dance Team
Sponsorship of Division 2 or 3 Mens basketball team
Sponsorship of Mixed Social basketball team
Basketball practices
Sponsorship and support of local community events
Support of national events
Mid winter dinner.
Orientation BBQ
Participation in the University of Otago Clubs and Societies Day
Sponsorship of Cantonese Classes and Chinese Dance Classes at the Dunedin Chinese School
Sponsorship of book launches
Sponsorship of seminars and discussions
Sponsorship of over 70's member "Yum Char"
Facebook page and group
To ensure that you remain on our mailing list and continue to receive our newsletters and information on community events we encourage you to enter your details on the subscription form and return it to us with your payment. In order to facilitate our communication with you, particularly on upcoming events we ask that you include your email address.