DATE: Friday 2nd September 2016 (late afternoon) - Sunday 4th September 2016 (3pm)

          (Last weekend of the Otago University Mid-Semester Break)

VENUE: Tirohonga Camp (20mins south of Dunedin)

COST: $50


What is provided: Accommodation, food and lots of NEW activities.

What to bring: Sleeping bag, pillow, warm clothes and either shorts and t shirt or swimming togs & towels

 **To be able to attend this camp you must be 15 years or over and a member of the OSCA. **

  • Meet new friends, spend time with old friends, learn some new skills and have lots of fun.
  • There are endless NEW activities organized for the whole weekend  
  • Registrations will be taken in mid July  – early August 2016. Places are limited so you must ensure you have paid your money to reserve your bunk and to obtain your registration & consent forms. 
  • Transport will be arranged for anyone who does not have their own vehicle. Small extra charge applies.


For more information, contact:

Leanne Chin                     027 489 6823           

Kendall Chin                     021 02428552          

Colin Chin                        021 0273 0618          

Cameron Young                027 952 0527           

Natasha Wong                  027845 6142            

Nadine King                      020 4015 4527                     

Celine Ahkit                      021 0254 3658         

Linus Chin                         027 477 5595