22 July, 2020

This is an invitation to follow this Facebook page


"Morena everyone,

I am writing to promote this dedicated FB page named “New Zealand is our home too”, and invite you to join us in this campaign on social media. We are concerned about racism against Chinese and Asian people in New Zealand. Instances are on rise since COVID-19. It is affecting our community and we want to hear from you!


The campaign is a joint effort and we are a group co-sponsored by the New Zealand Human Rights Commission and the Office of Ethnic Communities.


Below is the link to the page. We look forward to engaging with you and your voices in there. You are encouraged to distribute the link via your networks of network and bring your friends on board please!





New Zealand is our home too. See you all in there on our Face Book!



Kind regards,


Candy ZHANG | Senior Diversity and Engagement Adviser"

Community Engagement Southern
The Office of Ethnic Communities Te Tari Matawaka

The Department of Internal AffairsTe Tari Taiwhenua
Direct Dial: +64 3 339 5505 | Extn: 4205 | Fax: +64 3 339 5492 | Mobile: +64 27 206 2189
Level 1, BNZ Centre, 120 Hereford Street, Christchurch 8011 | PO Box 1308, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand |


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The Office of Ethnic Communities is part of the Department of Internal Affairs